Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Checking In - Part 1

I knew it's been a while since I've written, but I didn't realize how long until I checked the date today!  I guess Facebook has kinda replaced the the blogging in some ways...it's quick, easy and a fast way to post pictures.

As I look back over the last few posts, I can see that change is sometimes slow.  I'm still working in the garden and loving it...just bought this years seeds and starts, have the beds prepped and even put new plastic on the cold frame.  I'm excited to see what we get this year, as I'm planting some of the same stuff as before - broccoli, carrots, green onions, leeks, etc, but I'm trying a few new ones this year like pinto beans for drying, pole beans with sprays of scarlet-orange flowers, brussels sprouts and purple tomatillos.  I'll try to keep posting as the season progresses.

More to come about baby drama, the Zoo and Imps....