We adopted a cat named Boo. We brought him home a few days ago and it's been a difficult adjustment. The first day he hung out in the bedroom, behind closed doors, safe from the dogs. He's an old man, 13 or there abouts we've been told, so I wanted to give him a safe place to adjust. I forgot how much I hate the feel of cat litter on my feet, yuck, yuck, gag! But at least he's using the cat box....can't wait to shift him to outdoor pottying.
One of the reasons we adopted Boo is because where he was, he was not getting the human attention that he desired by being an outdoor kitty. So the first night when he was fairly vocal and active, I just chalked it up to getting to know new people and place. Boy was he vocal, it was difficult to sleep cuz he kept waking me up, walking on my head, crying in my face. The next day we decided to open the bedroom door and let him explore the rest of the house. There was a scuffle between he and the dogs pretty much right away, Indigo came out of the experience with a little bead of blood forming on the bridge of his nose...and the cat ran right back under the bed. Later in the evening Boo adventured out to the top of the bed, Becca, his previous mom, dropped off one of his scratching pads and he was quite happy to go to work clawing it up. I left the door open in hopes of encouraging him to explore the rest of the house....no such luck...he just sat on the bed crying.
Last night when we went to bed, the alarm was set for 6:00 a.m....we have an Imps retreat to attend today and needed an early start...which meant I needed a good nights sleep so I can function all day today. The cat wouldn't shut the fuck up!!! I tried petting it, and then I tried putting the cat outside our room into the main part of the house. Bacon was in her crate and I was pretty sure that Indigo wan't going to mess with Boo after the earlier encounter. The cat just sat outside the bedroom door howling and wailing and scratching....it was driving me insane and I really really wanted to sleep. Finally, at some point in the early early morning, I opened the back door and showed the cat.
Ahhhh.....silence, drifting...drifting back to....ALARM!!! Fuck, 6:00 a.m. already, crap, oh well!
Boo, no where to be found, fuck! Now I've spent time calling the cat, opening cans of cat food, shaking bowl of dry food, calling, calling...no Boo. We have to leave the the Imps retreat in about 30-45 minutes....I'll keep trying. I feel pretty bad.
Update...Boo came back the next night....and then left again in the middle of the night and we didn't see him again until the following night. But now, he's hanging out around and in the house much more....and I haven't seen the mice in days!!! That makes me so happy!