I was feeling very overwhelmed the other day and quite a bit depressed....but then my good friend Paddle pointed out that I have have quite the year, and I should give myself a break.
It was June 2012 when Jillian and I took a trip the The Nest and did some deep soul searching...at the end of that trip, we when home with huge life changing plans - wrap things up in Eureka and move on to Portland. Which meant:
a) Saying good-bye to a job and co-workers I'd had for over 14 years.
b) Selling my house in Humboldt and all that goes along with that....for half of what it was worth and only after a struggle with the ex.
c) Letting go of Noah and Casey (those 6 words can not even begin to describe how hard this has been).
d) Letting go of the idea of having children in our lives, tired of the emotional roller coaster I'd been on for 20+ years as I tried over and over again.
e) Hosting the last of the Impropriety Society events, the end of 4.5 years of community work.
f) Ending a business partnership with two of the best friends/partners a gal could have.
g) Finding a place in Portland to live.
h) Packing what we could and selling or giving away the rest of our belongings.
i) Deciding to start my own business in Portland - picking a business name and designing a logo.
And then 6 weeks before we left Humboldt we found out we're getting a baby!!!...which meant:
j) Going to the Dr. with April and seeing our baby on the sonogram.
k) Dealing with government agencies and navigating the open adoption process.
l) Filling out lots of paperwork and getting FBI background check, credit checks and health checks, plus references from friends and family and personal interviews.
m) Enduring a Home Study.
n) Paying for all those studies...with money meant to run my business.
o) Processing the emotions around becoming a parent through open adoption- mine, Jillian's, April and Chris'...and to some extent the rest of our families.
Once in Portland:
p) Unpacking and settling into our new place....loving the view and the location, but realizing that our highrise studio is too small and too expensive for long term child rearing.
q) Familiarized ourselves to a new city and trying not to get lost.
r) Finish writing my business plan and do all the work to actually start my business - permits, kitchen rental, inspections, applying to farmers markets, get business supplies, set up my books, pick recipes.
s) Work my first farmers market in March, less than three months after arriving in town, loved it!
t) Travel back to Humboldt for baby shower, visit with Noah and Casey and the rest of our friends.
u) Pick a name for the baby.
v) Jillian had to find/get a job.
w) Travel back to Humboldt for Lake's birth....and experiencing a most magical time!
x) All the while holding our breath, waiting to see if April and Chris would change their minds.
y) Wait for official paperwork to bring Lake home.
z) Move again to a place that cost us less rent and has more room, but is in a much less desirable neighborhood...with a newborn, less than a month old...thank goodness April was here to help with Lake!
aa) Coming to the realization that I don't have enough money to keep the business afloat and that I'll have to put it on hold, even before it really gets going.
bb) Realized that we also don't have enough money to finish the adoption.
cc) Hind site is a bitch as I realized that we should have spent all our money on the adoption and not on starting the business, at least the adoption would be done and not in limbo.
dd) Adjusting to having FAR less money than I'm used to...living in government housing and even needing to visit a food bank to make ends meet
ee) Adjusting to being a stay-at-home-mom....hell, to just being a Mom
ff) Realizing that I need to make some Portland friends.
gg) Dealing with the heat of Portland, yuck.
I'm sure if I thought about it more I could add a few things more to the list.....not the average year!
Wednesday, July 3, 2013
Friday, April 5, 2013
The Naming Game
Picking his name.
For a few weeks, when we first found out about the pregnancy and went to our first sonogram with April, we thought we were having a girl. That night after the sonogram, Jillian and I went home and picked out a beautiful name for a girl, one that we both loved and had very significant meaning for us...Zeva Rosalie Harbaugh.
Picking a name for a girl went so smooth, that it was a bit surprising to us, once we found out we were having a boy, not a girl, how difficult it was to find a name we agreed on. We didn't like any of them. We were also in the middle of packing up the house in Humboldt and getting ready to move to Portland, so I suggested that we give it a rest until we moved, that our brains would have more time to ponder the possibilities when we were less stressed about the move.
A few weeks later we started up again. We had rules for picking the name - couldn't be in the top 100 names, couldn't be hard to spell or pronounce, it couldn't be 'uniquely' spelled (like my name), didn't want it to start with J since both our names do, nor the letter E since both of Jillian new nieces are Eden and Emily. Being list makers we just kept adding and scratching off names. We were re-watching Battlestar Galactica so had names like Apollo and Helo on the list, also Malcolm, Finn, Jasper, even William made on the list in a moment of desperation along with many others....like Funfetti.
As time went on we were feeling more and more frustrated....and then Paddle came to the rescue. That woman has an awesome talent for naming things. She's the one that came up with the name for The Impropriety Society, and most of the names for the events we had. She's even changed her own first name, finding one that fit her better. So sensing our frustration, she came over and started helping us pick a name for our baby....she must of thought we were being difficult because we just didn't like anything.
We finally did decided on both the middle and last names, so that was a start. We always agreed that Harbaugh would be the family name and that I would change my name legally to match. For the middle name, we decided that we really liked how Rosalie honored our dear friend Annie, so wanted something as meaningful and powerful for our boy too. So we decided on Cooper....I really like the name, and even considered it for a first name, and we felt good about giving him April's last name. April will always be part of him and in his life, but we like how this adds an extra bond for them.
So there were were.....Something Cooper Harbaugh. Some more time went by and Paddle come over and tried again. This time we came up with a short list to share with Jillian's Mom and brother when they came to visit. I can't remember all the names, Drake was on the list, Thor was one, River was another, and Lake was on there too. At first I laughed at the name Lake while Paddle tried to tell me what a cool, strong name it is. I was sure Jillian's mom would laugh at it too. But it turns out, she didn't, she like most of the names on the list....although she did ask that we don't name him Thor.
At this point Jillian finally reached total frustration and was done with the whole process....she told me to pick - Lake or River. I sent a text to Paddle for advice, she assured me we wanted a calm Lake, not a turbulent River. And then, pulled the partnership card! She said, that if April 'gets' to have the baby, and I 'get' to raise the baby, then she should get to name the baby. So Lake Cooper Harbaugh he is...I can hardly wait to meet him!
For a few weeks, when we first found out about the pregnancy and went to our first sonogram with April, we thought we were having a girl. That night after the sonogram, Jillian and I went home and picked out a beautiful name for a girl, one that we both loved and had very significant meaning for us...Zeva Rosalie Harbaugh.
Picking a name for a girl went so smooth, that it was a bit surprising to us, once we found out we were having a boy, not a girl, how difficult it was to find a name we agreed on. We didn't like any of them. We were also in the middle of packing up the house in Humboldt and getting ready to move to Portland, so I suggested that we give it a rest until we moved, that our brains would have more time to ponder the possibilities when we were less stressed about the move.
A few weeks later we started up again. We had rules for picking the name - couldn't be in the top 100 names, couldn't be hard to spell or pronounce, it couldn't be 'uniquely' spelled (like my name), didn't want it to start with J since both our names do, nor the letter E since both of Jillian new nieces are Eden and Emily. Being list makers we just kept adding and scratching off names. We were re-watching Battlestar Galactica so had names like Apollo and Helo on the list, also Malcolm, Finn, Jasper, even William made on the list in a moment of desperation along with many others....like Funfetti.
As time went on we were feeling more and more frustrated....and then Paddle came to the rescue. That woman has an awesome talent for naming things. She's the one that came up with the name for The Impropriety Society, and most of the names for the events we had. She's even changed her own first name, finding one that fit her better. So sensing our frustration, she came over and started helping us pick a name for our baby....she must of thought we were being difficult because we just didn't like anything.
We finally did decided on both the middle and last names, so that was a start. We always agreed that Harbaugh would be the family name and that I would change my name legally to match. For the middle name, we decided that we really liked how Rosalie honored our dear friend Annie, so wanted something as meaningful and powerful for our boy too. So we decided on Cooper....I really like the name, and even considered it for a first name, and we felt good about giving him April's last name. April will always be part of him and in his life, but we like how this adds an extra bond for them.
So there were were.....Something Cooper Harbaugh. Some more time went by and Paddle come over and tried again. This time we came up with a short list to share with Jillian's Mom and brother when they came to visit. I can't remember all the names, Drake was on the list, Thor was one, River was another, and Lake was on there too. At first I laughed at the name Lake while Paddle tried to tell me what a cool, strong name it is. I was sure Jillian's mom would laugh at it too. But it turns out, she didn't, she like most of the names on the list....although she did ask that we don't name him Thor.
At this point Jillian finally reached total frustration and was done with the whole process....she told me to pick - Lake or River. I sent a text to Paddle for advice, she assured me we wanted a calm Lake, not a turbulent River. And then, pulled the partnership card! She said, that if April 'gets' to have the baby, and I 'get' to raise the baby, then she should get to name the baby. So Lake Cooper Harbaugh he is...I can hardly wait to meet him!
Thursday, April 4, 2013
Only a few more days.....
The anxiety comes in waves and the waves are coming more and more frequently. Worried about April's health, worried about how the labor and delivery will progress, worried about my friend suffering through loss, worried that she could still change her mind, worried that we have missed a step in the adoption process, worried about sleep deprivation, worried about moving with a brand new baby, worried that money flow will be an issue while we wait for my business to take off, worried that it won't take off, worried that if it does, I won't be able to keep up, worried about vaccines, worried about public school, worried about eating habits, worried about keeping up with a growing child, worried about raising a boy to be a man, worried about....aww, heck...deep breaths...all will be good.
I have friends and family who love me, Jillian is amazingly supportive and is holding up great, I have a great business idea, I am smart and resourceful, April is strong and not afraid to face the loss, Chris is dedicated to being connected to his child, we will have Deborah and Lo to help us process and progress through the next intense phase, and Jillian and I will work together to find the best way to navigate all those important decisions that we will be face with while raising up this child.
So Excited!
I have friends and family who love me, Jillian is amazingly supportive and is holding up great, I have a great business idea, I am smart and resourceful, April is strong and not afraid to face the loss, Chris is dedicated to being connected to his child, we will have Deborah and Lo to help us process and progress through the next intense phase, and Jillian and I will work together to find the best way to navigate all those important decisions that we will be face with while raising up this child.
So Excited!
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
Front Loading
Although 'front loading' could be something quite gross, especially when thinking about our immediate future, in reality, it's my way of preventing things from getting too gross. I am so grateful that I've had the time to get semi-settled into Portland before the SeaMonkey comes.
I've been able to get Little Localvore up and running for the most part. So far I've work on a business plan, gotten licenses and permits, submitted applications and been accepted to area farmers markets, secured a kitchen rental and insurance, ordered jars, created labels, got business cards, a door magnet for the truck and banners for my market booth, found an amazing on-line merchant site to work with, hired a web guy, wrote a handful of product descriptions, am writing text for the web page, working on relationships with area farmers, and have had a run through with making and jarring baby food and setting up the booth and selling it at market. Since I've been here I've had 3 SBDC meetings, attended the NW Food Processor Association Expo, FoodWorx and the Farmer-Chef Connection event.
The first market went as well as could be expected....I had Jillian there to help set up and cover for breaks and it was a nice sunny day. The vendors next to me were both very nice, goat cheese on one side and candied nuts on the other....it smelled so good. I sold 11 jars of food which was enough to cover my booth fee, and met some great people...including Lorelie and her parents. Lorelie really loved the Awesome Apples and got to be in a video on Facebook eating them at home for the first time.
I've also gathered a collection of books that I'm slowly making my way though, People Before Profit, Locavore's Dilema, The Mighty Gastropolis, The Food Truck Handbook, Super Baby Food, and Sell Your Specialty Food. (I have managed to finish both The Kid and Bringing Home Your Newborn during this time).
Jillian got her job with he State, and that takes a whole load off our minds. She starts next week after she returns from her trip to Utah. She gets to be the patient for someone's dental hygiene board exams. Apparently her teeth and gums are 'just right' for the test, according to the folks at the dental school here in Portland. And since one of their students needs to take the test, they are paying to fly Jillian out to Utah for three days and putting her up and feeding her and giving her cash to boot...oh and her teeth get cleaned.

We did take a trip to Humboldt last month to make sure we had baby things all lined up (as much as we can right now) and to have a baby shower. April is really showing now....our little SeaMonkey is growing big. It was nice to see some of our Humboldt loves during our visit, it's what I miss the most about being here in Portland...especially Noah.
We got to go to a doctor appointment with April and I got another recording of the baby's heartbeat, every time I listen to it, I well up. Midwife said everything is looking good and progressing as it should. Even though she's been having contractions, almost daily since January, all of April's test have come out great....the only thing they are going to check on this week is to see if our little guy is head down like he should be, or needs a bit of coaching to get there. As of this week, April is off work, so now she can rest at home and get ready for this big transition.
We went ahead and hired Tracy Rain to help us with the adoption process. She's never done one before, but I know she's well connected, knows who to ask when she has questions, and will take good care of us. We have now also dropped off all our paperwork and $1500 to Open Adoptions and are waiting to set our home study appointment. Jillian is going to have to take half a day off from work for the assessment, so needs to actually start her job before she can ask for the time off. We tried to make so she wouldn't have to ask during her first few days, but there doesn't seem to be any other options. Adoption Horizons has also been paid for April and Chris' assessment and they just need to set that appointment so that can be taken care of as well.
So....I feel like I've front loaded as much of the predictable prep work as possible and we are now set up to just roll with Little Localvore, Jillian's work and the adoption once the baby comes.
I've been able to get Little Localvore up and running for the most part. So far I've work on a business plan, gotten licenses and permits, submitted applications and been accepted to area farmers markets, secured a kitchen rental and insurance, ordered jars, created labels, got business cards, a door magnet for the truck and banners for my market booth, found an amazing on-line merchant site to work with, hired a web guy, wrote a handful of product descriptions, am writing text for the web page, working on relationships with area farmers, and have had a run through with making and jarring baby food and setting up the booth and selling it at market. Since I've been here I've had 3 SBDC meetings, attended the NW Food Processor Association Expo, FoodWorx and the Farmer-Chef Connection event.
I've also gathered a collection of books that I'm slowly making my way though, People Before Profit, Locavore's Dilema, The Mighty Gastropolis, The Food Truck Handbook, Super Baby Food, and Sell Your Specialty Food. (I have managed to finish both The Kid and Bringing Home Your Newborn during this time).
Jillian got her job with he State, and that takes a whole load off our minds. She starts next week after she returns from her trip to Utah. She gets to be the patient for someone's dental hygiene board exams. Apparently her teeth and gums are 'just right' for the test, according to the folks at the dental school here in Portland. And since one of their students needs to take the test, they are paying to fly Jillian out to Utah for three days and putting her up and feeding her and giving her cash to boot...oh and her teeth get cleaned.

We got to go to a doctor appointment with April and I got another recording of the baby's heartbeat, every time I listen to it, I well up. Midwife said everything is looking good and progressing as it should. Even though she's been having contractions, almost daily since January, all of April's test have come out great....the only thing they are going to check on this week is to see if our little guy is head down like he should be, or needs a bit of coaching to get there. As of this week, April is off work, so now she can rest at home and get ready for this big transition.
We went ahead and hired Tracy Rain to help us with the adoption process. She's never done one before, but I know she's well connected, knows who to ask when she has questions, and will take good care of us. We have now also dropped off all our paperwork and $1500 to Open Adoptions and are waiting to set our home study appointment. Jillian is going to have to take half a day off from work for the assessment, so needs to actually start her job before she can ask for the time off. We tried to make so she wouldn't have to ask during her first few days, but there doesn't seem to be any other options. Adoption Horizons has also been paid for April and Chris' assessment and they just need to set that appointment so that can be taken care of as well.
So....I feel like I've front loaded as much of the predictable prep work as possible and we are now set up to just roll with Little Localvore, Jillian's work and the adoption once the baby comes.
Saturday, February 2, 2013
in AWE
I looked up the word awe today...this is what it said...love the examples:
awe |รด|
a feeling of reverential respect mixed with fear or wonder: they gazed in awe at the small mountain of diamonds | the sight filled me with awe | his staff members are in awe of him.
This is exactly how I'm feeling about April and Chris, I am in awe of them....and I do look forward to gazing upon the small mountain of baby belly in two weeks, the sight of which will surely fill me with awe as I am reminded yet again, that we are starting something beautiful.
April continues to be strong and amazing and inspirational....this from a recent post on her Facebook:
awe |รด|
a feeling of reverential respect mixed with fear or wonder: they gazed in awe at the small mountain of diamonds | the sight filled me with awe | his staff members are in awe of him.
This is exactly how I'm feeling about April and Chris, I am in awe of them....and I do look forward to gazing upon the small mountain of baby belly in two weeks, the sight of which will surely fill me with awe as I am reminded yet again, that we are starting something beautiful.
April continues to be strong and amazing and inspirational....this from a recent post on her Facebook:
been hearing that when conversations take place about the plan to give
this baby up for adoption, there is a lot of concern that I will change
my mind. I suppose it is hard for people to imagine my capacity for
this. I'm also learning there is a cultural negativity around adoption
and birth mothers partly because many do change their minds. I know
words won't necessarily ease the fear, but I can
say that I know *without a doubt* that I am making the right decision
for myself and this child. Since I made the decision I've not had one
second of doubt, not one question of whether I may keep him. In my mind
and heart this child already belongs to the Mamas more than myself.
This is why I have no doubt - I've raised a boy and a girl to adulthood. I know *everything* I am giving up in a way that young mothers do not. Since I had my first child at 17, what I don't know is an adult life without being a full-time mother. I've never made adult choices that don't take another human into consideration. In fact, I've made a lot of choices specifically for my children rather than myself, including where I live and how I make a living. I don't know what it is to make choices based purely on my own needs and desires. I need and want to experience a life that is entirely my own. I've been quietly looking forward to it for 21 years. I know I will experience significant grief when I let my son go, but I'm not really afraid of grief. It's just another part of this dance of life. What I am afraid of is not knowing who I am beyond being a mother.
This is why I have no doubt - I've raised a boy and a girl to adulthood. I know *everything* I am giving up in a way that young mothers do not. Since I had my first child at 17, what I don't know is an adult life without being a full-time mother. I've never made adult choices that don't take another human into consideration. In fact, I've made a lot of choices specifically for my children rather than myself, including where I live and how I make a living. I don't know what it is to make choices based purely on my own needs and desires. I need and want to experience a life that is entirely my own. I've been quietly looking forward to it for 21 years. I know I will experience significant grief when I let my son go, but I'm not really afraid of grief. It's just another part of this dance of life. What I am afraid of is not knowing who I am beyond being a mother.
- Rebbecca Caya, Kate Ornberg Knight, Fairbee Max and 17 others like this.
- Rebbecca Caya Well said, my friend. We all are here in Portland loving you, wishing you all were here with us. xoxo
- Rhonda Hallock We love you April...and Jen White and Jillian Harbaugh are going to be the best mama's in the world to the seamonkey...and you and chris will be the best amma's ever! Good choices all around!
Sunday, January 13, 2013
Scary Phone Call
Yesterday, while I was waiting for my meeting with the bookkeeper, I checked Facebook, and noticed April had just posted an awesome picture of her sunny new place in Eureka. I was/am so happy for her and Chris, it looks like it's a beautiful place. Just then I got a phone call from April. She was obviously upset, I could tell right away....and I knew it was about the pregnancy. A wave of panic and fear about the baby washed over me, and almost as quickly I realized that I was actually more concerned for April. I couldn't imagine how'd she feel if something happened to the baby.
She said that she'd been feeling contractions and was on her way to the hospital. She was scared and alone. I am in Portland, 8 hours away, it was killing me, I wanted to be there with her, and Chris was at work driving old people around. I was so glad to hear that Chris was able to make it to the hospital after all, to be with her by the time the Dr. came to check on her. After the visit, she sent a text saying she was feeling better, the contractions had stopped, the Dr. sent her home and told her to stay in bed for the weekend.
I asked if she wanted Jillian and I to head down to Humboldt this weekend to help her with anything. She said that she'd rather have us come after she and Chris move into the new place...so we're planning an mid-February trip. Hopefully, there won't be any more scary phone calls!
From April's facebook:
We had a scare yesterday. I had hard and fast contractions for nearly two hours before they subsided at the hospital, once I was laying down. Later in the day they would return any time I got up and moved around, but I haven't had any today. We think it is a combination of dehydration and stress. I am on bed rest this weekend, which is really hard, both because I need (want!) to be packing and because it's very painful for me to be in bed all day. The Fibro is acting up this week and I need a balance of rest and movement to keep the pain minimized.
Striving to find the light...it's amazing to know how much support I have in my life, friend and loved ones who want to show up for me (now if I can just get past this damn sense of independence!); Chris and I finally got to exchange Christmas gifts last night and he got me the Amanda Palmer art book, which is awesome and I have the space to thoroughly explore today; and our seamonkey has been dancing up a storm in the belly since the contractions, which is incredibly comforting.
She said that she'd been feeling contractions and was on her way to the hospital. She was scared and alone. I am in Portland, 8 hours away, it was killing me, I wanted to be there with her, and Chris was at work driving old people around. I was so glad to hear that Chris was able to make it to the hospital after all, to be with her by the time the Dr. came to check on her. After the visit, she sent a text saying she was feeling better, the contractions had stopped, the Dr. sent her home and told her to stay in bed for the weekend.
I asked if she wanted Jillian and I to head down to Humboldt this weekend to help her with anything. She said that she'd rather have us come after she and Chris move into the new place...so we're planning an mid-February trip. Hopefully, there won't be any more scary phone calls!
From April's facebook:
We had a scare yesterday. I had hard and fast contractions for nearly two hours before they subsided at the hospital, once I was laying down. Later in the day they would return any time I got up and moved around, but I haven't had any today. We think it is a combination of dehydration and stress. I am on bed rest this weekend, which is really hard, both because I need (want!) to be packing and because it's very painful for me to be in bed all day. The Fibro is acting up this week and I need a balance of rest and movement to keep the pain minimized.
Striving to find the light...it's amazing to know how much support I have in my life, friend and loved ones who want to show up for me (now if I can just get past this damn sense of independence!); Chris and I finally got to exchange Christmas gifts last night and he got me the Amanda Palmer art book, which is awesome and I have the space to thoroughly explore today; and our seamonkey has been dancing up a storm in the belly since the contractions, which is incredibly comforting.
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
I'm feeling so disconnected from the whole concept of 'we're having a baby'. A whole day can go by without me thinking about it at all....and days will go by without Jillian and I talking about it. We have to constantly remind ourselves that we will have a baby to consider when we are talking about future plans. I haven't listened to the recording of the heartbeat in almost a week. With April so far away we don't have any physical reminder that there is a baby growing and on the way. With the apartment so small, we don't have a room to set up for the baby and haven't yet gathered together the new-baby-supplies, so don't have any visual reminders. We still don't have a name for the baby. This is not how I thought I'd feel
I'm sure the distance from Humboldt, April and Chris and my self preservation after all those years of disappointment are the cause of feeling so disconnected and unattached...I'm finding it difficult to fully engage and be an excited expecting parent. I think having Noah also has taken the edge off the new baby drama....well, at least the first baby super excited feelings. And I feel that I am somehow cheating our baby out of something, some rite of passage. I have wanted a baby for so long that the longing, the empty cravings, have become part of who I am. So much so, that now it is difficult for me to change that into happy excitement and tie those specific feeling to the baby April is carrying, the baby we're going to be bringing home.
View Larger Map
And I can't help but think that as I'm feeling more and more disconnected, that April is feeling more and more connected as time goes on...and it scares me. I want to see the good in it, and I do, I want the baby to feel love and connection and she's the one to give it to him now. Even if I were in town and closer, this really is her time with him and I want them to have a bond. As her friend, I am scared for her, for the pain of separation and loss that she is inevitably facing...and I'm finding it difficult to accept my own joy in the situation.
I did go to the bookstore, Powell's, last week and picked up three books; the Dan Savage book my sister recommended, The Kid, a beautiful children's book, To Market To Market, and a general how-to baby book, Heading Home With Your Newborn. It was difficult picking out just one how-to book, there are so many, who said there isn't a manual?!?! I'm hoping that reading the books will help switch my baby brain on. I guess, actually, I'm not too worried - once he is in my arms and I'm holding him close, I'm sure I'll bond with him and all the excited feelings will take over. Even now, allowing myself to peak through the curtains of my imagination to reality, the feeling of love washing over me as I hold him brings tears to my eyes, I can hardly wait.
One way I plan on building our mother-child bond is to nurse. There was a huge section just on breastfeeding at the bookstore, even the first chapter in the book I did get is about choosing between breastfeeding and formula. I want to breastfeed, I want to have that connection with my baby, but more importantly, I want the health benefits for him. And although many adoptive moms can breastfeed, most have to supplement, and for some reason the idea of formula disgusts me. We used if for Noah, so I'm familiar, but I did not like it. There are a few interesting articles out there about formula, like this one from Breast Feeding Mom's Unite, that support my disgust. Anyway, I've been researching different at-breast supplementers and reading up on my options, most popular seems to be Lact-Aid. I'm going to get one and see what happens....best case scenario is, that with the stimulation, I will start producing milk and eventually stop needing the formula.
I'm sure the distance from Humboldt, April and Chris and my self preservation after all those years of disappointment are the cause of feeling so disconnected and unattached...I'm finding it difficult to fully engage and be an excited expecting parent. I think having Noah also has taken the edge off the new baby drama....well, at least the first baby super excited feelings. And I feel that I am somehow cheating our baby out of something, some rite of passage. I have wanted a baby for so long that the longing, the empty cravings, have become part of who I am. So much so, that now it is difficult for me to change that into happy excitement and tie those specific feeling to the baby April is carrying, the baby we're going to be bringing home.
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And I can't help but think that as I'm feeling more and more disconnected, that April is feeling more and more connected as time goes on...and it scares me. I want to see the good in it, and I do, I want the baby to feel love and connection and she's the one to give it to him now. Even if I were in town and closer, this really is her time with him and I want them to have a bond. As her friend, I am scared for her, for the pain of separation and loss that she is inevitably facing...and I'm finding it difficult to accept my own joy in the situation.
I did go to the bookstore, Powell's, last week and picked up three books; the Dan Savage book my sister recommended, The Kid, a beautiful children's book, To Market To Market, and a general how-to baby book, Heading Home With Your Newborn. It was difficult picking out just one how-to book, there are so many, who said there isn't a manual?!?! I'm hoping that reading the books will help switch my baby brain on. I guess, actually, I'm not too worried - once he is in my arms and I'm holding him close, I'm sure I'll bond with him and all the excited feelings will take over. Even now, allowing myself to peak through the curtains of my imagination to reality, the feeling of love washing over me as I hold him brings tears to my eyes, I can hardly wait.
One way I plan on building our mother-child bond is to nurse. There was a huge section just on breastfeeding at the bookstore, even the first chapter in the book I did get is about choosing between breastfeeding and formula. I want to breastfeed, I want to have that connection with my baby, but more importantly, I want the health benefits for him. And although many adoptive moms can breastfeed, most have to supplement, and for some reason the idea of formula disgusts me. We used if for Noah, so I'm familiar, but I did not like it. There are a few interesting articles out there about formula, like this one from Breast Feeding Mom's Unite, that support my disgust. Anyway, I've been researching different at-breast supplementers and reading up on my options, most popular seems to be Lact-Aid. I'm going to get one and see what happens....best case scenario is, that with the stimulation, I will start producing milk and eventually stop needing the formula.
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