Sunday, January 13, 2013

Scary Phone Call

Yesterday, while I was waiting for my meeting with the bookkeeper, I checked Facebook, and noticed April had just posted an awesome picture of her sunny new place in Eureka.  I was/am so happy for her and Chris, it looks like it's a beautiful place.  Just then I got a phone call from April.  She was obviously upset, I could tell right away....and I knew it was about the pregnancy.  A wave of panic and fear about the baby washed over me, and almost as quickly I realized that I was actually more concerned for April.  I couldn't imagine how'd she feel if something happened to the baby.  

She said that she'd been feeling contractions and was on her way to the hospital.  She was scared and alone.  I am in Portland, 8 hours away, it was killing me, I wanted to be there with her, and Chris was at work driving old people around.  I was so glad to hear that Chris was able to make it to the hospital after all, to be with her by the time the Dr. came to check on her.  After the visit, she sent a text saying  she was feeling better, the contractions had stopped, the Dr. sent her home and told her to stay in bed for the weekend.  

I asked if she wanted Jillian and I to head down to Humboldt this weekend to help her with anything.  She said that she'd rather have us come after she and Chris move into the new we're planning an mid-February trip.  Hopefully, there won't be any more scary phone calls!

From April's facebook:
We had a scare yesterday. I had hard and fast contractions for nearly two hours before they subsided at the hospital, once I was laying down. Later in the day they would return any time I got up and moved around, but I haven't had any today. We think it is a combination of dehydration and stress. I am on bed rest this weekend, which is really hard, both because I need (want!) to be packing and because it's very painful for me to be in bed all day. The Fibro is acting up this week and I need a balance of rest and movement to keep the pain minimized.

Striving to find the's amazing to know how much support I have in my life, friend and loved ones who want to show up for me (now if I can just get past this damn sense of independence!); Chris and I finally got to exchange Christmas gifts last night and he got me the Amanda Palmer art book, which is awesome and I have the space to thoroughly explore today; and our seamonkey has been dancing up a storm in the belly since the contractions, which is incredibly comforting.

1 comment:

  1. yes, scary. as calm as i normally am, i think as i told work i had to go i may have had a bit of panic in my voice, as: *luckily* I was able to leave work immediately and was there in the room with her before the doctor was.

    taking good care of her. lots of TLC and laying low planned.

    looking forward to seeing you, in our new place. exciting things, all around!
