Thursday, April 4, 2013

Only a few more days.....

The anxiety comes in waves and the waves are coming more and more frequently.  Worried about April's health, worried about how the labor and delivery will progress, worried about my friend suffering through loss, worried that she could still change her mind, worried that we have missed a step in the adoption process, worried about sleep deprivation, worried about moving with a brand new baby, worried that money flow will be an issue while we wait for my business to take off, worried that it won't take off, worried that if it does, I won't be able to keep up, worried about vaccines, worried about public school, worried about eating habits, worried about keeping up with a growing child, worried about raising a boy to be a man, worried about....aww, heck...deep breaths...all will be good. 
I have friends and family who love me, Jillian is amazingly supportive and is holding up great, I have a great business idea, I am smart and resourceful, April is strong and not afraid to face the loss, Chris is dedicated to being connected to his child, we will have Deborah and Lo to help us process and progress through the next intense phase, and Jillian and I will work together to find the best way to navigate all those important decisions that we will be face with while raising up this child.
So Excited!

1 comment:

  1. We're with you, Loves. And ready to roll at the drop of a....BEBE!!!! ;)
