Tuesday, November 27, 2012


Seeing the baby in the sonogram made things seem way more real...although even now I'm still in a bit of disbelief.  I thought about telling friends and family; but how to tell them, what to tell them, if I should tell them?  Truthfully, I've been trying for a baby for so long and have been so open about it all, that I was beginning to feel a bit like the girl who cried baby. What would people think? What if I told people and then April and Chris changed their minds?  
The more I thought I about it I realized that first, I needed to check with April and Chris and see how they felt about telling people. Second, I really didn't want us to keep the news to ourselves, I wanted to yell it from the tree tops so all would know, and third, I knew my friends would be happy for me, even if they've heard it from me a thousand times over.
So after the sonogram, and after talking with Chris and April over a post appointment lunch, we decided to make the announcement now.   Jillian and Chris called their parents, I sent an IM to Suzanne and an email to my Dad. We all posted on Facebook and the response was overwhelmingly awesome with people congratulating us all around.  
Facebook postings below:
.....so....this is our baby....17 weeks old....due mid April 2013. I can not even begin to express the love that Jillian I have for her (we think) birth parents. April Cheri and Eros Razorburns have honored us with the responsibility of ra
ising the child they have created (through magic) and we could not be happier. I know this picture doesn't really show much, but that's her spine, head on the left, leg and foot on the right. We will have much better pictures in 3 weeks after the next sonogram.

  • Linda Jo Alexander so amazing!! Congrats:)
  • Christopher Escarcega Wow! This is so excellent on so many levels. <3 <3 <3
  • Juleigh Norwood Great blessings! This couldn't be more perfect! xox<3 span="span">
  • Kate Trower Congratulations :)
  • Dave Berman Wow. Just wow.
  • Rhonda Hallock I am so very excited for all of you!
  • B Angelica Marquez Oh my gods!!! Congratulations all!
  • Heather Goodwin This is so exciting!!! Congrats!
  • Silas Knight Words do not express my squee at this news.
  • Kate Ornberg Knight Eeeeeeeeeeeeee! This is the best game of We Win I have ever heard of!!!!
  • Gini Noggle Ho. Lee. Shitsnacks. Congrats & best of luck & much love to all of you!
  • Jessica Seidel That's. So amazing congratulations I'm soo excited to meet the new blessing yo our family. I love. U
  • Jennifer Aspittle I have not stopped sobbing for joy for all involved. This is a miracle baby in so many ways. It is almost unimaginable for me to fathom how the bonds of family and love continue to strengthen and deepen and grow. I love you all soo deeply. This is the greatest thing ever.
  • Julie Zelazny I am so happy for the 2 of you!! COngratulations! <3
  • Kim Arnold Parenthood is magic..on so many levels. I applaud the birth parents for thier gift..WHAT A GIFT. Get ready for the ride girls..its a fun..and hilarious one.Take the time to enjoy it.
  • Callie Vita Ahhh this is incredible! All hail the amazing people loving this miracle into reality!
  • Libby Monstarr No one has to get me an xmas present this news is good enough for me. I have prayed that you two would be blessed with a child for so long. Im am full of squeeee and leaking happy tears
  • Deborah Addington Miracles abound, and more family to love! Squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
  • Erin Peterson Lots of tears of happiness. I am so happy for all of you. I love giant non-traditional families!! It makes me so happy to think of such a special baby growing up with so many loving and devoted people caring for her. How amazing it is when things work out so much better than anything that could have been planned. Three moms....that's even better than two!!
  • Laura Lamers Even if you are in Oregon I can still knit baby stuff for you. I love making baby things
  • Rob Thompson Wow. I am officially blown away. and apparently leaking.
  • Kari Doherty You women continue to amaze and inspire me. I love you so much.
  • Sara Dronkers Oh my goodness!
  • Lark Doolan Wow. Thank you for sharing this exciting news! Mazal Tov!!!
  • Yvonne Doble So much LOVE!
  • Anastasia Gambill I had no idea! Congratulations : )
  • Jennefer White Anastasia, we didn't know before yesterday either!! All still so new and exciting....think I know another place you can send your hand-me-downs :)
  • John H. Skyhawk AWESOME Jen. What a great mom you will be
  • Katy Stern Congrats <3
  • Anastasia Gambill I will keep some things aside for you : )
  • Calleaghn Kinnamon Congratulations!!!!! I cannot say how much happy I have at this NEWS!!!!! woooooohoooooooo!!! It feels *perfect*.
  • Kami Kimble Oh my!!!! I do believe in miracles, I do I do!!!!
  • Kristin Bradfield wonderful! Congratulations! :D
  • Monica Topping Congratulations, mama! This just brought tears to my eyes. This is going to be one of the most loved and appreciated babies, ever. <3 <3 
    April Cheri shared your photo.
    My life continues to be an amazing adventure in the unconventional. Now we know why my body has been even wonkier than usual the last four months. :)
    • Heather Jacobson Wait...what!?
    • Amy Beth Barnes I know... what up, Mz. April??
    • April Cheri We found out we were pregnant a week ago, we actually thought I had fibroids before the just-in-case test came back positive. I don't want to be a full-time mother again. Chris has never wanted children. One of my best friends has been longing for a baby for years. And they are open to us having whatever relationship we want with the child, which is really the only way I could do this because I am such a mama. It seems like it's meant to be. We will be our own special kind of family.
    • Jessica Seidel Thank u for giving my aunt her blessing of a life time. U truely are an amaxig woman!!!
    • Jennifer Aspittle I am profoundly in awe of your strength, generousity, and grace. I bow to you.
    • Deborah Addington Squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! More of our family to love!!!!!!!!!!!
    • Rhonda Hallock It's really awesome...knowing all of you, this shall be one luck little lady
    • Crystal M Trulove Omigosh, April, this is beautiful. So beautiful. <3
    • Laura Granados How fortuitous that this would yield positive results for so many! congrats, everyone <3
    • Kayce Rasmussen WOW. Thats cool! So happy for all of you. And can't wait to see what a april and chris baby looks like... I bet really really really cute!! Congrats to all four of you. <3
    • Christy Seidelhuber Wow - Amazing
    • Calleaghn Kinnamon Wow. I am so full right now. I hardly know what to say. But you know- that never stops me. :)
      My ex husband and I did this for my best friend 12 years ago. It has been one of the singular most amazing experiences of my life. I'm like you- I could not do it without being a part of his life. How wonderful to actually know and love people in a similar scenario. So rare! I'm stunned joyful. There's been so much love, so much extension of family for us. I can totally see this beauty for you all. Everything in me says "YES!". I'm SO freakin excited for you!!!! Congatulations, one and all! I'm feeling the love.
    • Maureen Burke Thank you April. You have made my friend unspeakably happy. You are a Goddess. <3
    • Amy Beth Barnes Congratulations, April, to you and your beautiful growing family. Best of luck with this, your next adventure!
    • Jennifer Aspittle Way to one up me on being a good partner :)~
    • Fairbee Max Wow-wow-wow!!! <3 <3 <3!!!
    • Monica Topping This is incredible, April. Such a loving and selfless way to handle this surprise, and boy will this little creature be appreciated. So much love to you all. <3
    • Jordi B Rude <3 To all of you. You all are so awesome and exceptional in so many ways. This little being is very lucky!!!
      its official... The announcement has gone out. The world needs to prepare. April and I, and Jennefer and Jillian have a little monkey on the way. I am terrified and excited and worried and ready and so not. I am filled with love!!! I am part of a family!!!
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